!DOCTYPE HTML> Programming - Alphacademy

About us

Ágoston Weisz and László Nikházy have been tutoring talented students for more than 10 years. Ágoston has been working for 5 years for Google in Zurich, his current role is senior software engineer. Laci has put aside his career as a software engineer to pursue a PhD about the best ways to teach programming to talented students. Many of their students have achieved great results on international and national olympiads in informatics (IOI, CEOI, OKTV). However, this programme is not about (or not entirely about) preparing for competitions. Our main goal spreading the joy of programming and teamwork. We welcome those students too, who are not planning on attending a single informatics competition in their life.

Andor Vári-Kakas, Péter Gyimesi, Gergely Kiss, Kornél Szabó, Zsombor Várkonyi, Bence Hervay, Kristóf Reimann and a lot of others are former students of Ágoston and Laci, who are passionate about passing their knowledge onto the next generation of students by working for Alphacademy. They also hold classes for students. Most of them are studying mathematics or computer science on the University of Cambridge.

It is of utmost importance that every motivated child has access to the best educations, regardless of gender, age or place of living. It is also important to teach them that using a computer does not mean playing games, rather it is something, that allows us to solve problems, become smarter and create something, that has an impact on the world.

About the programme

We teach programming in a system based mainly upon online individual and teamwork. We hold biweekly classes for students. Besides classes, we provide students with problems with hints, that they can solve in their own pace. We also teach them how to find problems and resources to master new concepts and put their theoretical knowledge in practice on their own. Students can ask questions or ask for help outside classes too. We now have a community of more than 300 children where students help and motivate each other. We host online board game nights, which students can earn by obtaining points for their solutions for problems.

Who is it for?

There is no prerequisite knowledge, but our goal is to provide high-quality education for the most experienced students too. Special talent is also not a requirement, but the programme can be enjoyed the most by those, who gladly think about thought-provoking and challenging problems.

What do we offer?

By taking part in the programme, students have the opportunity to learn analytical thinking and problem solving. They start with learning the basics of programming and later, they learn more advanced concepts. They learn that a team can achieve more than any individual, they learn to cooperate with others and to motivate and support them. They also learn how to overcome challenges and obstacles, they experience the joy of success through solving harder problems.

Younger students learn the Logo programming language and the older ones C++. They all learn algorithmic and analytic thinking.

Financial matters

The participation is 100 CHF per month, but parents can reduce the fee as much as they want.